May 9, 2009

Frankenstein Fashions

Chic and shocking fashions for the well-dressed revenant...

Zombiestein and his bird-flipping friend are just two of the demented designs offered in Unkle Eric Pigors’ line of mad monster t-shirts. Check out the cartoonists’ site for details.

Accessorize with this flayed flesh bracelet, featuring lovingly detailed exposed muscle tissue and metal sutures, by Zombiehead. Also offered: Eyeball earrings and various bloody zombie head pendants.

Complete your resuscitation with the Official Authorized Eddie Van Halen Brand Signature Frankenstein Sneakers!

Now you’re ready for summer.

Eric Pigors’ site.

Zombiehead Etsy online store.

EVH Signature Sneakers.

Article: Eddie Van Halen introduces signature Frankenstein sneakers.

Unkle Pigors’ Frankentoxic Toons


  1. Pigors= amusing
    Zombiehead bracelet= chic
    Van Halen sneakers= kinda douchey

    Have you seen this?

  2. The Zombiehead bracelet is a mashup of the once-popular Frankenstein Monster and the now-popular Romero-style zombie imagery.

    May have to get one for the wife!
