May 2, 2009

The Posters of Frankenstein :
Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell

An atmospheric poster Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell, the last of Hammer's Frankenstein films, released in the UK thirty-five years ago today, May 2nd, in 1974. I’ll be reviewing the film here this week and posting alternate promotional art.

In related news, actor Shane Briant, who plays Peter Cushing’s young assistant in the film, is also a novelist. He has a brand new book, a horror thriller called Worst Nightmares, coming out from Vanguard Press on May 12. Update: Here's an early review of the book by Holger Hasse at Hammer and Beyond, and here's an interview with Briant conducted by Kimberly Lindbergs at Cinebeats.

Shane Briant’s Worst Nightmares website.

Shane Briant’s blog.


  1. We love the Paramount horror posters from this period -- LET'S SCARE JESSICA TO DEATH, FOUR FLIES ON GREY VELVET, TALES THAT WITNESS MADNESS, POSSESSION OF JOEL DELANEY, etc. All had a similar look to them. F&TMFH is one more of our favorites -- the movie as well. Never understood why it gets so maligned...

  2. This film also marks the first time Peter Cushing and David Prowse (the monster) worked together. The second time of course, would be Star Wars.

  3. movies like this and Captain Kronos,Vampire Hunter,were really the last "gasp" in this kind of horror.With The Exorcist coming out around this time,horror films would never be the same again..Goodbye Frankenstein,goodbye Dracula...Goodbye...romance!

  4. And that, Christopher, is the pitch of my review, coming up in a day or two. Kronos and Monster From Hell, released together in North America, were among the last of the Gothics and basically sat on a shelf for two years before finding a distributor.

  5. Great look at FATMFH, Pierre!

    My blog has a review of Worst Nightmares up and an audio interview with Mr. Briant. Please check them out!
