July 30, 2009

The Posters of Frankenstein : La Mansion de Dracula

Todos juntos! All Together!

Though not as slick as the fully painted and highly atmospheric American original, this vibrant Spanish poster for Universal’s House of Dracula (1945) renders its floating head portraits in simple line art and primary colors, to great effect.

Counting down the assembled monsters, that’s Glenn Strange as El Monstruo, John Carradine as the mustachioed Dracula, Lon Chaney’s Wolf Man, Onslow Stevens as the very loco doctor, and Jane Adams as the sympathetic nurse, listed among the horrors by virtue of being — Oooo scary! — hunchbacked.


  1. I love El Doctor Loco, there has got to be a better way to say mad scientist in Spanish, científico loco maybe?

  2. all together now..."
    ..lol..El hombre lobo y El Doctor Loco!
    I always thought Jane Adams as the JOROBADA!..was an unusual addition to a 40's Universal picture
    ..po' little hunchback gul

  3. Hey, only just discovered this blog - fantastic!

  4. I guess if Universal had kept the Frankenstein series going, they would've designated retarded people, midgets, and those suffering from the heartbreak of psoriasis as monsters, as well.

  5. Tyrant: Thanks, and welcome aboard.

    Rob: Don't forget Rondo Hatton,
