November 18, 2009

Countdown to Karloff

Last month, I proposed to host a blogathon devoted to Boris Karloff. In all honesty, I was hoping that as many as 30 or 35 blogs would participate. Now, a few days before the big event, I am very proud, excited and absolutely astounded to announce that we have 100 — ONE HUNDRED! — blogs signed up, with more to come!

All my favorite bloggers are aboard and I’ve already discovered many great new blogs that I’ll be following beyond the blogathon. See for yourself, check the amazing list of Scheduled Participants on the sidebar. We have horror blogs, Halloween, costume and craft blogs, movie blogs and pop culture blogs, art blogs and writer’s blogs. There’s even a sports blog on tap and someone participating on Twitter. And the Boris Karloff Blogathon is an international event, too. There will be posts made in Spanish, German, Danish and Portuguese!

I want to thank all the bloggers who have posted banners and promoted the event. I can report that there is a lot of genuine excitement out there about the upcoming Karloff Blogathon. As an example, check out Scared Silly, where Paul Castiglia is already running Karloff-related posts, counting down the days to Monday, November 23, when the Boris Karloff Blogathon goes live.

Join us right here, next Monday. It’s going to be a Thriller!


Ed Howard said...

You can add my blog to the scheduled list as well. I definitely plan to participate with at least one Karloff-related post, and am really excited about this blogathon! What a great idea!

Michael Jones said...

Thanks for reminding me about the show Thriller. I'd NEVER actually seen it before, but will be seeking the episodes out now. (You tube, here I come.) Now if I can find some dubbed into Japanese, I have Blogathon fodder...

Roy Greaux said...

You can also add me to the list as well - Monster Man -

Booksteve said...

I'm ashamed to say that I haven't updated my blog, YOU'RE ONLY AS GOOD AS YOUR LAST PICTURE since June. I'm stuck on the actress I was writing about. Come Monday, though, if not sooner, I've decided to skip her and proceed to Boris Karloff's last picture(s) so count me in, too!

Pierre Fournier said...

Roy, Booksteve, welcome aboard. Remember: When you post your blogathon contribution, please EMAIL me the URL: frankensteinia at

Peeping Tom said...

Great initiative!
Peeping Tom is here !

Anonymous said...

Is it too late to participate? I just found out about it today when I saw everyone posting the links!! I love Karloff!!

Pierre Fournier said...

Would love to have you participate, Kate! When you post, email me (frankensteinia at the specific URL. Simple as that!