December 11, 2009

The Posters of Frankenstein :
Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl, New Alternate Posters

Here are two variants in an elegant series of posters for Yoshihiro Nishimura‘s Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl (2009).

Poster above features a highly romanticized image of the two protagonists. The second poster focuses on Shôjo Furanken (Frankenstein Girl) in Geisha costume, a companion piece to the film’s original poster that showcased Vampire Girl in her schoolgirl outfit, also with the Tokyo Tower as background.

Original poster, and Alternate poster for Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl


  1. Very cool. I really want to see this movie, it looks crazy.

  2. Not since FRANKENHOOKER have I been this excited to see a motion picture!

  3. I prefer this poster (for obvious reasons) but am disappointed that it only played a couple of weeks in a small theatre in Tokyo. You all will be able to see it before I will!

  4. Looks really interesting, great pictures and great blog.

  5. I love blood and gore, but I have to admit that even this film was too much for me. It was just so ridiculous. Check out my review. Glad I saw it, but it's definitely a one time thing.

  6. The posture is very amazing. It seems like the movie will be also very amazing. Now it's time to avail Logo Design usa for more information.
