February 2, 2010

Daughters of Science and Madness

In London, we formed a club. It's very exclusive. There are only six members… We need each other. None of us has sisters, except Mary and Diana in a way, so we take the place of sisters for each other. Who else could share or sympathize with our experiences?

Currently up on Strange Horizons, the online magazine of speculative fiction, is a short story by Theodora Goss entitled The Mad Scientist’s Daughter. Daughters, actually. The members of this very exclusive London club are Catherine Moreau, Beatrice Rappaccini, Mary Jekyll, Diana Hyde, Justine Frankenstein, and a Mrs. Arthur Meyrink (formerly Helen Vaughan, of Arthur Machen’s The Great God Pan).

It’s a perfectly brilliant story, complete and satisfying in itself, but I can’t help saying I’d love to read more, much more, about this League of Extraordinary Monster Ladies. Take, for instance, the teatime discussion about taking over the world…

Go read The Mad Scientist’s Daughter.

Strange Horizons website.

Theodora Goss website.


  1. That story rocked. I want to do portraits of all these ladies!

  2. I just found this story. I loved it! Beautiful writing and setting and interesting characters.
