May 31, 2010

The Art of Frankenstein : Dave Lowe

Edward Hopper meets James Whale in a lovely, irresistible piece called Universal Nighthawks.

Dave Lowe is an illustrator, designer, custom prop maker and all-around creative dynamo who somehow finds time to post a daily cartoon up on Para Abnormal, his blog of “macabre mirth” where assorted critters, blobs and movie monsters mash with pop culture classics. Boba Fett meets Bozo the Clown, Smurfs eat your brains, and the Bride of Frankenstein gets Lichtensteined in a gallery of geek gags.

Dave also keeps a website, and fascinating design and art blog.

Via Buffet Complet.


  1. I absolutely LOVE THIS! I always thought the original would look great in my house, but this is even better.

  2. Very Kewl. Thanks for the tip. He sounds great and my kinda guy!

  3. LOL! is more like it.. ;o)
