May 1, 2010

The Bride Rethought

A new short story called The Bride of Frankenstein, by Mike Resnick, is up for a Hugo, the prestigious rocket-shaped award for science fiction and fantasy. Published in the December 2009 issue of Asimov’s Science Fiction, it’s a humorous reflection on the tribulations of being Mrs. Frankenstein, stuck in a drafty old castle with a self-absorbed mad scientist husband, his stinky, hunchbacked assistant and a dopey, oversized Monster.

Author Resnick is no stranger to honors, his short fiction holding some sort of worldwide record for nominations and wins, including an astonishing 34 Hugo nods. That's at least one nomination every year, with only 2 exceptions, since 1989, and winning five times.

Resnick’s Frankenstein tale is online for everyone to read, courtesy of Asimov’s. Voting is reserved for supporters and attendees of the World Science Fiction Convention. Winners will be announced on September 5 at the Worldcon, held this year in Melbourne, Australia.

Worth noting: This is the second year in a row that a Frankenstein-related story is nominated for a Hugo. John Kessel’s excellent Pride and Prometheus, a Nebula winner, made the Hugo ballot in 2009.

Read The Bride of Frankenstein, by Mike Resnick.

Mike Resnick’s Wiki Page

Aussiecon4 web page, with Hugo Awards information

Asimov’s Science Fiction magazine

Frankenstein Meets Jane Austen
Pride and Prometheus wins Nebula Award

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