May 19, 2010

Paper Frankenstein

The Catalyst Theatre of Edmonton’s Frankenstein, first staged in 2006, has moved east to Toronto after extensive tours of the western provinces, garnering innumerable awards
along the way.

Written, composed and directed by Jonathan Christenson, the play is distinguished by its dreamlike fairy tale approach and darkly whimsical sets and costumes all created out of paper. It’s a delicate proposition that, in fact, requires two hours of fixes after every performance. The imaginative production design was created by Bretta Gerecke.

Led by Andrew Kushnir as Victor and George Szilagyi as The Creature, the cast of eight somehow multiplies into 40 distinct characters. The play is currently at the Bluma Appel Theater in Toronto until May 29.

Of note: The Catalyst Theatre’s repertoire includes Hunchback, inspired by the famous Victor Hugo story, and Nevermore, a musical exploration of Edgar Allan Poe.

The Catalyst Theatre’s Frankenstein pages, featuring bios, an extensive photo gallery and a video excerpt.

More photos of the striking paper sets and costumes on the Globe and Mail site.


  1. As someone who uses paper as their artistic medium of choice I applaud them, and am impressed. I also want to ask them "Are you crazy?"

  2. I've actually seen this one. It's really good- one of the most powerful openings I've ever seen in a play, and the singing is great.
