March 12, 2011

Frankenstein Fauteuil

An elegant, gilded fauteuil with skull detail, upholstered in printed leather and featuring a painting of Boris Karloff as The Monster, signed by artist and designer Paul Karslake. Part of a very ritzy series commissioned by Wish Interiors — other models feature Audrey Hepburn and Heath Ledger as The Joker — and strictly limited to 25 copies worldwide.

For discriminating and well-heeled Frankenstein fans, only 8,000US$.

Paul Karslake Fine Art website.

Wish Interiors Flickr.

Via Horror Society, with thanks to Jane.


  1. This freaky (and yet strangely classy) furniture would be perfect for my future library! If I had the funds, I would most certainly buy it!

  2. Talk about eyes boring into your back! :D Definitely a chair to have by the fireside while lurid and weird tales.
