June 6, 2011

The Art of Frankenstein : Fernando Vicente

A wonderful likeness of Karloff’s Monster dominates this montage illustration of famous characters grouped on the March 2011 cover of the Spanish literary magazine Mercurio.

Artist Fernando Vicente is a superlative illustrator of books, CD covers and magazines. His books for children and young adults includes illustrations for J.M.Barrie’s Peter Pan. For adults, he has published a collection of his elegant pinup art. As a painter, he is perhaps best known his disquieting paintings of characters with their skin and muscle peeled back to reveal the precise anatomical features beneath.

Feast your eyes on Vicente’s art on his generous website. Navigation is easy even if you don’t speak Spanish. I also recommend his excellent blogs, devoted to different aspects of his art. The main blog, with links to the others, is here.

The March issue of Mercurio is available as a free PDF download.

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