September 2, 2011

Dial B for Frankenstein

It’s Halloween in September, and Frankenstein is in the haunted house over at the fabulous Dial B for Blog, self-proclaimed — with tongue in cheeky cheek — as the “World’s Greatest Comic Blogazine”. It's run with palpable enthusiasm by blogger Kirk Kimball — writing as Robby Reed, "the boy who can change into 1,000 superheroes!"

Starting today, and posting daily through, count ‘em, 18 installments, Dial B is running a series entirely devoted to Frankenstein. I was given a sneak peek and I can report that every episode is chockablock with fun and fun facts relating to classic Frankenstein films, and everything from Mary Shelley to Frankenstein comics, Teenage Frankenstein and beyond, all wrapped up with choice images and eye-popping graphics.

When you visit Dial B for Blog, be sure to click the “back issues” link to access a cornucopia of posts mostly devoted to Silver Age comics, with pop culture thrown in. Dig around for a post on Shakespearian comic book heroes, or the one about the Superman episode of I Love Lucy. There’s also a very revealing series on “The Secret Origins of Batman” complete with direct movie and pulp magazine references, and a swipe file. There’s tons of good stuff here but, be warned, you could get stuck for hours, digging through one great post after another.

Remember, there’s a new chapter of The Secret Origins of the Frankenstein Monster posted every day over the next two weeks on Dial B for Blog!

1 comment:

  1. DIAL B is great stuff - dare I say, as great in its way as FRANKENSTEINIA is in its?

    (And that is high praise indeed.)

    In particular, DIAL's expose' of Bob Kane's creation of BATMAN is a classic.

