February 18, 2013

Frankensteinia Night Report

Oh, how I miss my London friends! Heartfelt thanks to David Saunderson who brought a dozen of us together Tuesday last, February 12, at the Doric Arch Pub to celebrate Mary Shelley, Frankenstein, our love of monsters and newfound friendships. Posing here: My giant friend, musician Dave Swift; David Saunderson of Spooky Isles; that’s me in the middle, running ragged, 15 days into my European trip; Chris Priestley, author of Mister Creecher, and Stephen Jacobs, author of Boris Karloff: More Than a Monster.

My fondest wish is to return, to see you all again, and spend more time with you. We really must do this more often!

Now I’m back home and cranking up the blog. I did some research in Paris and London — notably a very enlightening visit to the archives at the National Portrait Gallery — and I’ll be sharing new information and photos here after I sort everything out.

Regular posting resumes tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home, Pierre! The FRANKENSTEINIA withdrawal has been painful. I'm ready for my fix.

    Also it's nice to see a photo of Stephen Jacobs. I had some lovely communications with him concerning his wonderful Karloff book.
