September 22, 2013


Autumn has kicked in and though the days grow cool, most of us congregating here get our chills from monster movies and the promise of Halloween! October is coming up fast, and we’ll be joining the annual Countdown to Halloween event run by the intrepid John Rozum — assisted by Shawn Robare and John K — bringing bloggers together in celebration of All Hallows Eve and everything that makes it our favorite holiday. Over 200 (!) blogs participated last year, no doubt more to come this time around. It’s all great fun and a great way to discover blogs you’ll want to return to. 

A complete list of participating bloggers will be posted throughout October on the Countdown to Halloween site.

Posting will be picking up here over the next few days and you should expect a very busy Fall on Frankensteinia. Recent sparse postings here are attributable to professional obligations, but I’ve stockpiled some neat stuff and I’m eager to share. I’ve been called to travel a lot over the last 18 months and I managed to get some serious Frankenstein research done in New York, London and Paris, notably at the NY Public Library and the British National Portrait Gallery. Some of the posts on tap I have been carefully researching for over a year now. Can’t wait to spring some discoveries on you.

Over the summer months, this blog celebrated its sixth anniversary, good for an accumulated 1.1 million visitors and 1.75 million page views. Mind-boggling, heartening numbers. Thank you for visiting, stand by for more.

Now grab a pumpkin and start carving!

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