August 10, 2014

Son of Shock!

Launched in October of 1957, the original Shock! package of Universal horror films was a TV phenomenon that sent national ratings through the roof and, according to the industry’s Sponsor magazine, “May be the key to opening the advertising door in the late evening”. Fifty-two films were offered, led by the classic James Whale FRANKENSTEIN, a full year’s worth of weekly shockers yet, barely six months on, syndicator Screen Gems announced the Son of Shock package, adding 20 more titles to the collection, notably giving the 1935 BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN its television debut.

Published in Broadcasting magazine, this May 1958 ad for “TV’s Most Sensational Feature Film Success” has a monster group dominated by Glenn Strange’s Frankenstein Monster in a nail-drying pose. The same photo is repeated, swapping in a different shot of Strange’s head, to create the image of Frankenstein and its Monster Son. Note, also, the bat-cupid carrying the baby.

Here is a complete list of all the movies in the Shock! and Son of Shock series.

With thanks to George Chastain. 


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