April 8, 2016

The Fiancée de Frankenstein

French actress Audrey Tautou, perhaps best know as the shy and gently eccentric heroine of Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s AMÉLIE (2001) posed for the May 2006 issue of Elle magazine as a goth Bride of Frankenstein in a red satin cocktail dress.

The same month, a New York Times article entitled “Sans Makeup, S’il Vous Plaît” discussed the French “Le No Makeup Look”, directly referencing the Elle issue as the cover featured Tautou, “the anti-star”, sporting what they called the “Le Bare Face Look” in direct contrast with her powdered face and dark-eyed, frizzy-haired appearance within, suggesting, perhaps, that overdone makeup is only suitable for Frankenstein’s Fiancée.

 If you ask me, both versions of Ms Tatou look great.


  1. The old fim of James Whale Frankenstein's Bride(1935) has my preference, simply because in the first scene he reminds us of the trio Mary Shelley, Percy Shelley and Lord Byron... The real roots of the history.

    By the way some links, (but in french) :

    About Frankenstein's and Maths (yes !!!)

    And about this film and M Shelley :

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