June 9, 2013

Don Glut's Frankenstein Reboots

In the late Sixties, writer Don Glut undertook his pulp-style New Adventures of Frankenstein series that quickly grew into ten novels and a short story anthology. Published erratically through the years, the books still need to be compiled into a comprehensive and accessible collection. After testing the e-book market in 2011 with a new edition of the first book, Frankenstein Lives Again, publisher Bill Cunningham of Pulp 2.0 Press has come up with a bold new format that collects the whole set — and loads of extras — in two large books that are sure to dazzle Glut fans and Frankenstein fanatics.

Volume One collects the first six Frankenstein novels and Volume Two completes the set with the remaining four novels, the short story collection, plus a new, never-before-published title — Frankenstein: The Final Horror! — that brings the whole saga to its logical end. Bonus features will be spread across the two hefty, 800-page volumes. Covers are by Rondo-Award winning artist Mark Maddox.

Publisher Cunningham also plans to issue the novels as individual e-books with new covers by Jim Craig.

Pulp 2.0 Press is now taking pre-orders (USA only) for The New Adventures of Frankenstein Collection: Volume One. The book ships mid-July.

Pulp 2.0 Press website and Facebook page
Don Glut’s website


  1. When are these books out in paperback format? And where can I get them? I loved this Frankenstein series when I bought the original paperbacks back in the 70s.

  2. Best contact the publisher. Links provided in the post above.

  3. Still no sign of either of these books yet in paperback.

  4. Have given up all hope of EVER seeing these books in paperback print.
