Escaping the lab, broken chain trailing from its hairy claw,
The Monster’s shadow falls on a victim in this fanciful image for the Italian
release of Hammer’s The Curse of Frankenstein (1957).
Artist Luigi Martinati’s career began with billboard art and
advertising campaigns, notably for Fiat. He started painting movie posters in
the early Thirties, eventually devoting himself exclusively to film from the
mid-Forties and straight on through the Sixties, sharing the workload — and a
similar style of art — with fellow painters Anselmo Ballester and Alfredo
Capitani, operating as Studio BCM. Martinati’s signature, when it appears, is
usually found at the top of the poster.
Shown here are Martinati posters for Them (1954), Wuthering Heights (1939) and Hammer’s The Two Faces of Dr.
Jekyll (1960).
Martinati created another striking poster for Hammer’s
Frankenstein film (previously posted here),
showing The Monster’s shackled claw grasping at a window.
Luigi Martinati passed away in 1983, at age 90.
Two generous galleries of Martinati posters: Il Manifesto Storico and MoviePosterDB.
La Maschera di Frankenstein
La Maschera di Frankenstein
I was just checking out some blogs listed as the best horror blogs and came across your site. Great blog -- I'm going to add you to my blogroll. BTW, what do you think of this new Frankenstein flick in the works with the six pack abs? :-)
The Queen of Scream