This blog has been nominated for 2 Rondo Awards “recognizing the best in monster research, creativity and film preservation”. Frankensteinia is up for BEST HORROR BLOG, and our Boris Karloff Blogathon is up for BEST FAN EVENT. Voting is open to all, but hurry, voting closes on April 3.
I need to send a heartfelt, somewhat boggled and definitely blushing Thank You to the Mysterious Arbogast of Arbogast on Film and Mighty Tim Lucas of Video WatchBlog, who have boldly endorsed Frankensteinia. Click the links, see what they say!

There’s only one week to go until the Rondo Awards are announced. Click HERE and VOTE NOW! The ballot is huge, but you can vote for as many or as few categories as you’re comfortable with. If you wish to support Frankensteinia, please vote for Category 15: Best Blog, Frankensteinia and Category 17: Best Fan Event, Boris Karloff Blogathon.
Thank you for your kind consideration.
PS: I participated in Mad Max Cheney’s Q&A with Rondo nominees. Great company and silly fun! Check it out, on The Drunken Severed Head.
And special thanks to Greg Ferrara of the fabulous Cinema Styles for his support and the image of me with a Frankenstein forehead.
The Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards Ballot.
You definitely got my vote for Best Fan Event!
Mine too. Plus, I penned you in for best writer / researcher. I wonder if that'll wash? I really think FRANKENSTEINIA is quickly becoming a secondary (reference) source--and, mere blog or not, that's academia folks.
Thanks, Karswell, and thank you very much, Mr. Cavin.
I have no illusions whatsoever about winning anything, but I have been thrilled and touched by all the nice things that have been said.
Independently, I did the same thing as Mr. Cavin. 3 richly deserved nominations.
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