We’ll get back to our Year-End Review and the #1 Frankenstein Event of 2007 shortly, but first, time out, if I may, to celebrate my 100th post!
When I launched this blog in late August, I asked myself — as no doubt every new blogger does — how long this could last and would it find any readers. Starting out, I made a list of themes and subjects I wanted to post about. Well, after 100 posts, my original list is still largely untouched. I knew that my subject, my predilection, offered rich opportunities and it might take a while before I ever ran out of ideas, but I have found myself scrambling to keep up with everything I want to post about. New ideas materialize, new events occur, new directions open up, and the possibilities are truly endless. I should have known: Frankenstein is inexhaustible!
As for readership, visits to this site have grown steadily and encouragingly from day one. As the blog propagates, Google brings more visitors, roughly a hundred people now, every day. Lots of people are looking for info on Mary Shelley, Boris Karloff and Jack Pierce. There’s are recurring searches for James Whale, Schuler Hensley and Harem Alek. And, hey, there sure seem to be quite a few Rosalba Neri fans out there!
I am especially grateful for my regular visitors. Your support makes all of this worthwhile. And thanks to those of you who stop and leave a comment now and then. You inspire me and you keep me going.
And so, to celebrate the start of my next 100 posts, an announcement...

Beginning in January and on through the year, on occasion, I’ll be welcoming Guest Bloggers— Fellow bloggers, friends and writers I admire — to Frankensteinia! The only criterion is, of course, some reference to Frankenstein, otherwise, anything goes. Our guests will contribute reviews, discussions, analysis and humor. They’ll share personal Frankenstein stories and comments. They’ll opine, reflect and surprise. I already have a couple of posts on hand, and dammit, they’re great! Can’t wait to start sharing with you. We’re all in for some great reads!
Thanks again, everyone, and have a Great 2008!
congrats, pierre! this blog is a daily stop for me! "rraarrr--blog good, fire bad!"
Nicely put Pierre.. it is fun to create a blog for the masses, and when people actually do bother to leave a comment or two then you know it is worth your time. Many times I've wondered why I do this, (and on a daily basis even) since it's very time consuming to put together a single post let alone 2 or 3 a day sometimes. But I've met some fascinating new people and made many new friends... maybe one day there will be a BLOGGER CONVENTION and we can all finally meet.
As far as your guest blogger idea I think it's a good one. I've been accepting guest submissions for my blog for many months as well, it's fun to collaborate with others on post ideas and lately for me has become essential when I do hit a time constraint.
As always, please feel free to use anything Frankenstein related from The Horrors of it All, partially or in it's entirety for your own blog purposes. Keep up the top notch work, and see ya in 2008!
Kudos to you sir! I'm happy to have found your blog, and as a fellow horror blogger, hope to one day soon have your level of readership. Keep on going, I've discovered a whole bunch of interesting stuff on your site.
The Vault of Horror
[i know how great it is to get comments, so] congratulations on reaching 100! this is a daily stop for me too. i'm happy you find so much to post so regularly. thank you!
Pierre: Congratulations on making it to 100 posts. Every one has been worth reading. Happy new year.
Joe Thompson ;0)
Congrats Pierre! Here's looking forward to your next one hundred posts!
Congratulations! My new year's resolution will be come here more often. You're doing a fantastic thing for Frankenstein~
My congratulations! Here is one more https://essaydragon.com/blog/argumentative-essay-topics additional post to read.
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