Karloff portrait by Jack Freulich. Source: Heritage Auctions.
I am calling on my fellow bloggers to join me in a celebration of Mr. Boris Karloff.

Beginning on November 23 — Karloff’s 122nd birthday — and on through the 29th, bloggers far and wide are invited to post something about Boris, his life and his wide-ranging career.
There is much to explore… His film work spanned five decades. He clocked some 75 films through the silent era before he landed and nailed the iconic part of The Monster in Frankenstein, a film that is almost 80 years old and still seen and admired. The sequel, The Bride of Frankenstein, is a motion picture classic. In his path through the history of horror films, Karloff collaborated with James Whale, Val Lewton, Mario Bava and Roger Corman. He proved equally at ease in all genres, including comedies.
Away from films, Boris Karloff became a Broadway star with Arsenic and Old Lace, The Lark and he was Captain Hook in Peter Pan.
He enjoyed a successful radio career and he was one of the first Hollywood actors to embrace television, appearing in live drama, in his own series — notably Colonel March of Scotland Yard and Thriller — and as a frequent and popular guest on talk and variety shows. He was the model and the Grammy Award-winning voice of The Grinch. He made numerous spoken word records, reading fairy tales to children and, in print, he lent his name to horror and mystery anthologies and a line of comic books.
In real life, Boris Karloff was a gentleman, a cricket fan and a brave founding member of the Screen Actor's Guild.
It’s been forty years since Boris Karloff passed away, yet his star shines as bright as ever. This November 23, bloggers will come together and share film reviews, profiles, images, thoughts and remembrances and, I am sure, surprises. I, as a reader, am looking forward to it.
Sent you an email - I'm game!
Will be there--might not post much but will definitely lurk.
Oh yeah. Yeah, we wanna party with you guys.
It´s Fantastic! Play begins...
Sent you an email, I love this idea. What a tribute to Boris.
I'm in...I already put the banner up and everything!
Wonderful idea. I'm in :)
Love the idea. Count me in and please send me a reminder just to be on the safe side. :-)
I'm in!
This sounds good. I'm in!
Brilliant idea!
I'm definitely in. Will probably post a movie review. http://scifiblock.com
Pierre, this promises to be a thriller!
Given my erratic behavior, I can't promise my participation, but I have placed one of your way-kewl banner ads on my blog.
I hope to join the (mad monster?) party.
Oh--can't wait. Might talk about Karloff's involvement with the Screen Actor's Guild...
Love Karloff... love the idea. Count Psychobabble in:
-Mike from Psychobabble
After two months of preparation and execution of my Frankenstein themed Halloween countdown, I think I can come up with something to say about Karloff that week. Count me in. Sounds awesome.
Paxton from
Cavalcade of Awesome
Would you accept an illustration?
TS: Of course! Wonderful idea. Your blog can be part of the Blogathon, simple as that!
Sounds good! Looking forward to everyone else's entries as well.
This sounds like it's going to be an awesome event. Count me in.
Thanks, everyone. Looks like the Karloff Blogathon will be HUGE. Already over 30 blogs signed up!
PLEASE NOTE: Those of you who haven't, please EMAIL ME (link is in the post) to confirm your participation, and I'll add your blog URL to the Scheduled Participants list on my sidebar.
Would love to be a part -- too many ideas to choose from! It's a marvelous tribute...
Can't wait to do the Monster Mash, Pierre. I'll e-mail shortly.
I'm in!! I just sent you a email! Boris Karloff is my all time favorite classic horror actor!
Bugs & Hisses
great idea!
Me, too, please. Just sent my email. Blogathon...good.
Count me in, on Acidemic
Wouldn't miss it!
I'll post something on Karloff in....The Black Cat , if you want it.
Great idea! Count me in.
Boris Karloff... master of comedy! Or at the very least, master co-star of comedians. I'll survey his classic horror-comedies over on my Scared Silly blog (http.scaredsillybypaulcastiglia.blogspot.com) - looking forward to it!
sending you an email now! Im so in this :)
I'm definitely on board! (Having trouble with e-mail though. I'm at misspaddylee@yahoo.ca)
Love the idea of honoring Karloff. Count me in.
Would love to have you aboard, Cube. Please email me so I can add you to the list of participants. Thanks!
Karolff rules! I'm there. (email sent)
Sounds like a great idea. I sent an email too.
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