Here depicted, General Albertus Frankenstein is felled by Colonial forces at the Battle of Bunker Hill, whereupon his mysterious, hulking personal valet flies into a rage as if a monster unleashed!

Pittsburgh-based artist Matthew Buchholz creates alternate histories, with monsters! Buchholz appropriates and transforms historical art, creating new stories of fun and fright. A giant octopus attacks the Brooklyn Bridge in 1883; Martian saucers ignite the Great Chicago Fire of 1871; A map of Pittsburgh outlines the zombie invasion of 1875; Godzilla marches on Santa Monica in 1912, and Ro-Man is sworn in as President in 1925.
In the illustration shown here, American Revolutionary War artist John Trumbull’s The Death of General Warren at the Battle of Bunker Hill is transformed into a Frankenstein story, its Creature sampled from Hammer Films’ Evil of Frankenstein.
Buchholz' Alternate Histories are available from the artist as very affordable prints through his Etsy Shop.
The alternate history of Frankenstein.
A profile of the artist on Artists On-Air.
That's really cool :)
Fun stuff (love the sigining of the Declaration.0
LOL..ol' Frankie got around
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