Photo at top shows Boris Karloff celebrating a 1938 birthday on the set of Son of Frankenstein (1939). Later, the same day, Boris would celebrate again when news came that a daughter, Sara, was born.
"Outstanding, must-read. A mind blowing treasure trove of all things fantastically Frankenstein."
— The Horrors of It All
“A wonderful blog, as fun as it is informative, and always well written and designed… always teaches me something or sharpens my focus on some detail or other.”
— Tim Lucas, Video WatchBlog
“I continue to be amazed, amused, delighted, and awed by Pierre Fournier's blog, Frankensteinia…
No one does it better."
— Susan Tyler Hitchcock, author of Frankenstein, A Cultural History, Monster Sightings
“Beautiful and evocative writing style… as near perfect a Frankenstein experience as I could wish for. Bravo!"
— Jeff Cohen, Vitaphone Varieties
“Inestimable… Mind-opening"
Arbogast on Film
“Intelligent and well-presented… avid in seeking out a wide range of examples... A useful research aid for those seeking to survey the uses to which the Frankenstein monster is still being put in popular culture.”
— Intute, Arts & Humanities
“Outstanding and intelligent… I am insane with giddiness that "It's ALIVE!!"
— Max, The Drunken Severed Head
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Wow! Congratulations on five incredible years! This blog is one of the most brilliant creations the internet has yet experienced. Here's to five more years!
I've been reading your Blog since day one "IT'S ALIVE!" There's no better archive of Frankenstein related treasure.
Many happy returns and Very 'Beast Witches' on your 5th birthday. Here's to a new world of Frankensteinia and cake!
One of my favourite blogs. Thinking of doing some scans of illustrations from an abridged Frankenstein that meant a lot to me as a kid. Will send them your way!
Keep up the good work.
Congratulations, Pierre! After 5 frantic years, the hits just keep on coming. Thanks for all the wonderful scholarship, and many happy returns!
Happy Birthday, Frankensteinia! And congratulations, Pierre! For 5years this has been a happy stop every day when I turn the computer on. Here's to many more.
Couldn't happen to a greater site, or to a nice guy!
Salute, Pierre.
(As Maxwell Smart would have said, "Would you believe... 'nicer' guy?")
I'm always shocked that you keep finding more material to share with all of us. As a huge fan of classic horror films, it makes me positively giddy! :)
This site has been a model for other blogs for five years, and is consistently superb. Congratulations on reaching this milestone, Pierre!
Happy 5 Pierre!!
I'll take this opportunity to thank you for all this great material... and you've given some very tantalizing hints of what's ahead!
Congrats, Pierre. You do an incredible job here. This is unquestionably one the best blogs I've ever seen.
Congratulations. I've been reading your blog for quite awhile. It's always nice to know I'm not alone in my obsession. Fantastic job!
"Here's to a new world of gods and monsters,"
Have been following you for awhile. Not too many new books please, my budget can only take so much...
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