Do Not See It! Another beautiful ad from the Capitol in Grand Island.
The Covers of Frankenstein: 1932 Photoplay Edition
All Seats 35 Cents. A newspaper ad for the first showing, in New York.
Labels: • Frankenstein (1931)
"Outstanding, must-read. A mind blowing treasure trove of all things fantastically Frankenstein."
— The Horrors of It All
“A wonderful blog, as fun as it is informative, and always well written and designed… always teaches me something or sharpens my focus on some detail or other.”
— Tim Lucas, Video WatchBlog
“I continue to be amazed, amused, delighted, and awed by Pierre Fournier's blog, Frankensteinia…
No one does it better."
— Susan Tyler Hitchcock, author of Frankenstein, A Cultural History, Monster Sightings
“Beautiful and evocative writing style… as near perfect a Frankenstein experience as I could wish for. Bravo!"
— Jeff Cohen, Vitaphone Varieties
“Inestimable… Mind-opening"
Arbogast on Film
“Intelligent and well-presented… avid in seeking out a wide range of examples... A useful research aid for those seeking to survey the uses to which the Frankenstein monster is still being put in popular culture.”
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— Max, The Drunken Severed Head
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Look how sad the Monster looks in that photo! They were definitely playing up the pathos by choosing that particular still.
Nice find, Pierre. I'm constantly amazed this stuff has managed to last over the decades.
I love it ! Very creative ! That's actually really cool. Thanks.
just discovered your blog and i'm loving it! thanks so much!!!!
I would love to see this movie, horror films have always been a favorite of mine, and I think that everyone should read the book, it's a great story of courage and humanity
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