Must have been quite a sight, Gandhi hobnobbing with the
Frankenstein Monster, former President Coolidge, and assorted “
pierrots, troubadours, Russian dancers and tramps” at the Sokol Society’s annual carnival, as reported in the social
pages of The Daily Star, Long
Island and Queens, NY, for February 2, 1932.

Note the date.
In time, the Frankenstein Monster
would become a staple of costume balls and the introduction of cheap rubber
masks in the late Forties would multiply the Frankenstein sightings at parties
and Halloween happenings, but this is early 1932, when James Whale’s Frankenstein was still deploying across North America on its
first run.
There were “ballyhoo men” — plentiful in a job-starved
Depression era — hired by theaters to patrol lobbies and downtown streets in
Frankenstein boots, faces greasepainted pasty white or garish green, but Mr.
Joseph Taisler, looking “startling”
as the Frankenstein Monster at the Sokol event, was something of a pioneer.
This is certainly a very early “popular” manifestation of The Monster, and
perhaps the earliest newspaper account of a non-promotional appearance.
One can imagine Mr. Danek’s Gandhi, a figure who had
captured attention the world over, represented no doubt as baldheaded, with
wire rim glasses and a baggy loincloth. The article says he was “better
dressed for indoors than out-of-doors”.
Calvin Coolidge, however that was pulled off, earned Mr. Koubec a first prize,
but what of Mr. Taisler’s Frankenstein? A dark suit, most likely, maybe the
sleeves rolled up to allow for The Monster’s long reach. Was there a flattop
wig, or hair combed down on the forehead? Stitches perhaps, drawn in makeup
pencil? What about neck bolts?
Join me. Have a cup of punchbowl lemonade, unspiked.
Remember, it’s Prohibition and, besides, the
Sokol Society promotes clean living and physical fitness. Let us raise our glasses to Mr. Joseph Taisler, early
adopter, prototypical Monster Kid and one of the very first men anywhere to
party as the Frankenstein Monster!
1 comment:
I never would have expected to see them on a blog of this kind - and with Gandhi, no less :D !
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